And you, how much do you know about relief printing? Whatever your answer, we at Dolce Lucio want to talk to you about it! Let's start immediately with a simple question: what is dry relief printing?

When we talk about dry relief printing, we are referring to a specific mechanical process, which is based on embossing, which we will talk about below. Is a type of printing that is often used to create paper or painted metal products, and it is precisely thanks to embossing that it is possible to obtain a relief on the surface to be decorated. The reliefs are divided into embossing and debossing.

Embossing indicates the raising of the decoration, while debossing indicates its lowering. In any case, the manufacturing process involves a compression action on the surface to be worked by means of a mechanical aid (metal mold and counter-mould).

Therefore, embossing printing, or embossing, is used when you want to highlight a detail, such as a logo or writing, creating a very high definition three-dimensional effect.

Thanks to embossing (with or without the addition of color) the "relief" decoration is created on the object.  The surface will be modified which will no longer be flat but rather "raised" where it was imprinted. It can be applied on metal objects (e.g. wine capsules), paper and cardboard (e.g. boxes, bags, etc.) and leather (e.g. labels for clothing and various objects). Once the relief of the decoration has been obtained, there is also the possibility of coloring it with hot stamping to make the effect even more impactful.

But how does the relief printing process happen?

The relief printing process is based on the compression of the material between an embossed matrix and a hollow matrix which reproduce the same positive-negative image. Technically we talk about cliché and counter-matrix or mold and counter-mould. Therefore, the relief effect is obtained through strong pressure applied by the printing machine equipped with a mold and counter-mold between which the material to be decorated is placed.

As regards its use, you should know that with dry relief printing it is possible to obtain a final work of exceptional elegance and great stylistic value. The material processed with this finish will have a pleasant sensation to the touch and the product will immediately acquire an exclusive and refined appearance. Usually this technique is used to embellish bags, envelopes, business cards, packaging, metal caps and capsules, leather labels, etc.

Would you like to know more? What are you waiting! Tell us about your projects, we will realize them together! Write on the appropriate form in the “contact” section of our website and you will be contacted by one of our experts to identify the solution best suited to your needs.
